zwembad package


zwembad.pool module

class zwembad.pool.ExitObject

Bases: object

Object returned from the context manager to all non-master processes. Any attribute access on this object will raise a WorkerExitSuiteSignal so that the context is exited.

class zwembad.pool.MPIPoolExecutor(master=0, comm=None)

Bases: concurrent.futures._base.Executor

MPI based Executor. Will use all available MPI processes to execute submissions to the pool. The MPI process with rank 0 will continue while all other ranks halt and

property idling
map(fn, *iterables)

Submits jobs for as long as all iterables provide values and places the results in a list. The iterables are consumed greedily.


Close the pool and tell all workers to stop their work loop

property size
submit(fn, /, *args, **kwargs)

Submit a task to the MPIPool. fn(*args, **kwargs) will be called on an MPI process meaning that all data must be communicable over the MPI communicator, which by default uses pickle.


fn (callable) – Function to call on the worker MPI process.

exception zwembad.pool.PoolGuardError

Bases: Exception

This error is raised if a user forgets to guard their pool context with a :method:`~.pool.MPIPoolExecutor.workers_exit` call.

exception zwembad.pool.WorkerExitSuiteSignal

Bases: Exception

This signal is raised when a worker needs to exit before executing the suite of a with statement that only the master should execute.

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